Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry is the organized body of men in the local church whose purpose is to:
attend to special needs and interests of men
instruct and encourage men to witness and win other men to the Lord
unite the men of the church in the planning and carrying out of the projects essential for the advancement of the church.
We cooperate with sectional, district and national programmes. We organize and sponsor auxiliary groups such as: The Royal Rangers ( a department for the training of young boys in the church ), Light for the Lost ( a program for the promotion of literature evangelism).
Every man in the church is a member of the men's ministry.
The men's ministry meet,on average, twice a month ( every other saturday ) from 6pm to 8pm. We hold at least one business meeting in a quarter for inspiration, reports, suggestions and planning. The leaders meet at least once a month to pray and plan for the men's ministry.
Executive Officers
President - Edward Osei
Vice President - George Sam
Secretary - Robert Owusu
Treasurer - Mathew Opoku